Crusader vessel - medieval cog
Ships were integral to the Crusades. Most Crusaders gathered
on the coast of southern France and embarked at Marseilles. Since their warfare
was dependent on horses and they could not easily buy or train them on the
other side of the journey, they had to get ships with stables built below the
deck. Travel was uncomfortable; knights traveled with retinues of servants and
squires, and the ship was too crowded to afford sleeping quarters for all of
them. Although this 15th-century painting imagines the voyages in a cheerful
way, the actual conditions must have been squalid. Horses needed some rest
periods on islands in order to regain their health.
The Romans had used two basic kinds of ship. Galleys were
their warships, and they used cargo ships known as round ships. During the
Middle Ages, both types were adopted and improved on century by century. Early
Byzantine dominance was challenged by new Muslim navies in the seventh century.
Although the Arabs had been sailing the Indian Ocean in Indian-style ships,
their Mediterranean fleets were in the same style as the Roman and Byzantine
ships, since they bought surplus ships and hired local crews.
Roman warships were galleys that moved by means of both sail
power and the muscle power of dozens of men at the oars. The basic Roman galley
had been developed into larger versions—the bireme and the trireme— that used
two or three levels of oarsmen, with several men on each oar. An even-larger
galley had used five levels of oarsmen. Throughout the Middle Ages and even
into the 18th century, Mediterranean warships continued to be galleys, most of
them using both oars and sails.
One important development formed the principal warship of
the Byzantine Empire—a dromon. There were three variations of the dromon. The
smallest, the ousiakon, carried a company of 100 men (an ousia ). It was a
two-banked galley. The men on the lower bank only rowed; the men on the upper
bank rowed but were also the fighters in battles with other ships. The pamphylos
was a little larger; it carried a crew of more nearly 150. The true dromon
carried a crew of about 200, with 150 oarsmen on two banks of oars and 50
marines (fighting men). These larger dromons had a raised tower near the mast,
where the marines could stand to shoot arrows or throw spears or other
projectiles. Most dromons also carried either a powerful catapult, which could
throw a 20- or 25-pound object more than 250 feet, or a pressurized siphon
flamethrower that propelled liquid Greek fire onto the enemy ship’s deck. Greek
fire was an incendiary substance that continued to burn even when it hit water.
Venice created its own version of the dromon while it was
under Byzantine rule. It was called the galeagrossa, and it was put to both
commercial and military use. In the Mediterranean, the two purposes ran
together. Merchant ships needed defense, and navies had to carry cargo. Sailors
learned to fight. Venice’s Arsenal built galleys that eventually challenged the
cogs’ dominance in bringing Flanders wool to the Mediterranean.
Mediterranean ships, beginning with Greek fishing boats and
including the massive dromon, developed a new type of sail during the Byzantine
era. Roman sails had been square, but square sails moved a ship only in the
direction the wind was blowing; adjustments allowed some variation but not
much. Lateen sails were triangular, not square. They were hung from a yard
(crossbar) that was fixed partway up the mast at a slant. A long, narrow
triangle of sailcloth hung down almost to the deck. This shape creates a baggy
lower part of the sail that traps the wind and funnels it up to the narrow top,
creating a substantial amount of lift when a ship is sailing with the wind. It
could be angled to let a ship steer a course that was not directly with the
wind or almost against the wind. By the ninth century, the ships of the
Mediterranean were generally lateen rigged and capable of working their way
windward. The triangular sails were huge, and the yards they were fastened to
were made of large tree trunks. The square sail eventually made a comeback
around the 1300s, partly because of the amount of manpower needed to swing
lateen rigging around. The square sail caught more wind and enabled the ship to
move faster.
Mediterranean ships were not only different in having
galleys of oars and lateen sails; they were constructed in a completely
different manner from Baltic and North Atlantic ships. Viking ships and the
cogs of northern waters were clinker-built: outer shell first, with overlapped
strakes, and then construction of the inner framework. The method of
construction in southern waters was just the opposite. They built the framework
first, with beams and ribs, and then covered the framework with planking. Boats
built this way are called carvel-built. Three medieval shipwrecks show advances
in construction methods over several centuries.
A carvel-built hull from the seventh century found in the
eastern Mediterranean, off the coast of Turkey, shows the basic construction
method. The builders laid the keel first, then added high, curved endposts.
They fastened planks alongside the keel, joined by mortise and tenon and pinned
by trenails (wooden pegs that swell when wet to tighten the construction). They
added planking up to the waterline, nailed to a framework, and set crossbeams
from side to side to bind the hull together. These crossbeams protruded through
the hull. At the stern, the crossbeams were a good place to hang a steering
rudder on each side of the hull. In the middle of the ship, crossbeams helped
support the mast. This particular ship was about 67 feet long and could carry
more than 65 tons of cargo. When it sank, it was carrying 900 containers
(amphorae) of wine. It also carried 11 anchors.
Another wreck along Turkey was dated by coins to the 11th
century. The cargo was mostly glassware, and this ship also carried a large
number of anchors. The carvel construction was more advanced by the 11th
century. The framework was laid out, then curved timber ribs were added and
planking was nailed on with iron spikes. The alternating of the scarphed joints
contributed to the strength of the hull, as there was no continuous line of
joints across the ship. A third wreck from the estuary of the Po River was
dated to about 1300 and was 65 feet long. A new method made the ship strong
enough to hold two masts. They used frames attached to floors that crossed the
keel and were then secured to a timber bolted to the keel for extra strength.
In the years after 1000, the role of the ship changed
dramatically. Commerce was increasing, merchants were becoming wealthy, and
ships were increased in size to hold more cargo. After Crusaders set up a
Christian kingdom in Jerusalem, there was a great surge of Christian pilgrims
wanting to visit Jerusalem. All these factors created demand for larger ships.
The Crusades spurred a great deal of shipbuilding to
transport knights and horses from Marseille or Venice to the Holy Land. At
first, Crusaders rented any ships they could find, but by the Third Crusade of
the 13th century, more were required. King Louis IX of France contracted with
merchants in Genoa, Venice, and Marseille to provide custom-built ships for his
two Crusades, in 1248 to 1254. These were substantial vessels, several with
three decks. The horses were led into the ship through a door that was then
caulked shut to keep water out when the ship went out to sea.
In the 15th century, the Baltic and Mediterranean traditions
began to mix. The Hanseatic League had extended its reach into ports in the
Mediterranean, and Venetian galleys were trading directly in Flanders. One
early hybrid was the buss, a wide, carvel-built cargo fishing ship built in the
Netherlands. Using the buss, Dutch sailors could stay out at sea longer. The
buss sailed with the fishing boat; it was a floating fish-processing plant. The
pair of vessels could stay out for several weeks and return with its catch
salted while fresh.
The ultimate round ship of the late Middle Ages was the
three-masted, full-rigged, ocean-going carrack. The carrack’s precursor was the
cog, the clinker-built cargo carrier of the Hanseatic League. In Mediterranean
shipyards, the cog had been modified and refined; it was no longer clinkerbuilt
but was now carvel-built. Its sails also blended the best of north and south.
The carrack was large and heavy. Huge ribs formed the hull
and supported multiple decks, a high sterncastle, and an even higher (though
smaller) forecastle. The ship’s tiller passed through a port to move the
sternpost rudder. The edge-to-edge planking of the ship was caulked with oakum
and tar or pitch to help keep seawater out. For the same reason, the ship was
constructed with few hatches and no companionway (a stairway leading from the
deck to the cabins below). Its three masts were the main mast and foremast,
both square rigged, and the lateen-rigged mizzenmast, which rose from the
sterncastle. Later versions of the carrack included another small sail—the
spritsail on the bowsprit. Improvement in managing the ropes made the huge
sails easier to handle, and multiple sails gave versatility to managing the
course of the ship.
A large merchant carrack could carry 1,000 tons of cargo in
its hold as it moved around the whole length of the Mediterranean and to and
from the Baltic. Its great size made it an expensive ship, and it was expensive
too in that it required a large crew. There were smaller carracks, too, such as
the 100-ton Santa Maria, the ship that carried Christopher Columbus to the
islands of Central America.
Columbus’s other ships, the Niña and the Pinta, were
caravels, not carracks. The caravel was a fast sailing ship developed in
Portugal around 1440. It carried two or three masts, with either lateen sails
or a mixture of square and lateen. The caravel had excellent sailing
characteristics and did not need the large crew that was necessary on a
carrack. It could move at a relatively fast pace; records show that on the
return trip from America in 1493, the Niña and Pinta had at least one day when
they covered nearly 200 miles of ocean. Caravels were generally the ships of
choice for the voyages of exploration that marked the end of the 15th century
and continued into the 16th century.